Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Key to a Valuable Appraiser/AMC Relationship

Appraisal Management Companies are nothing without their fee panel. Appraisers are crucial to AMCs in regards to producing a quality file in a timely manner. The KEY to making this relationship as valuable and successful as possible is to have outstanding communication and punctuality.

AMC's might take care of following up with an Appraiser if they, or their Client, need to know information about an order, however, if an Appraiser beats them to it and calls them with report updates as they happen, the Appraiser is then making contact at their own convenience instead of getting calls from their AMC Customer Service Representative at an inconvenient time. AMC CSRs appreciate when Appraisers contact them on their own because it benefits all three parties involved in an order – the Customer, the AMC, and the Appraiser.

Punctuality means “having the characteristic of always keeping to arranged times, as for appointments, meetings, etc,” (“Punctuality”).

Being punctual is important for both AMCs and Appraisers. The number one rule in all service industries is that the customer is always right. It is the duty of both parties to please the customer. Repetitively doing this guarantees more work down the road and a fruitful, continued relationship. If an Appraiser is punctual with their updates and reports, it allows the AMC to be punctual, as well as meet, and/or surpass, their Client's expectations.

It all comes down to a happy Client. Happy Client's are what both AMCs and Appraisers need in order to be successful in this industry. Happy Client's want their orders completed correctly and by the date and time promised. This is why it is so important for AMCs and Appraisers to have good, open communications with one another and for everything to happen in a timely, punctual manner.

"Punctuality." Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. HarperCollins
Publishers. 19 Aug. 2011. <>.

Contact Class Appraisals Group if you are interested in learning more about fast turn times, exceptional Customer Service and high quality Quality Control.